Bundgaard is a Danish children's footwear company established in 1904. It is in fact, Denmark's oldest children's shoe brand. They design comfortable and high-quality shoes for children from 0-16 years. As true Scandinavians: they never compromise style.
For Bundgaard is very important that shoes are designed in a way that children can play and move – without limiting their daily development. They offer styles for indoor and outdoor use, as well as for all weathers.
Since the foundation, Bungaard hasn't stopped growing and evolving. They have been in the market for more than 100 years, but they aren't old school. They like to keep up with the latest technologies and stay innovative. That's why they decided to switch to PLM software to manage their product development process.
Bundgaard looks for a single source of truth
Data management was becoming more and more complex. To avoid losing the ability to keep margins, deliver on time, and ensure product quality, they needed the support of a management tool for internal communication and to keep track of their product data at every stage.
After looking for different solutions, Bundgaard opted for Delogue PLM. They saw it as an intuitive tool to support them in their growth by centralizing all styles in one platform. Delogue also improves their internal communication and makes their teams more efficient. Everyone inserts all information and pictures about samples in Delogue, so that all the team is informed and aligned on the latest updates.
The platform allows us to spend more time with our products. We are not wasting time reading heavy documents anymore or having discussions about what our thoughts were about particular materials or product. Instead, we handle all this on Delogue PLM.
Ulrik Schultz, Former CEO of Bundgaard
No more follow-up meetings after travelling
Growth also means more business trips, which means remote work. Bundgaard also needed a solution that could help their employees be more efficient while traveling. They wanted to cut down time spent on meetings where they would update each other on the latest style changes and avoid mistakes.
We really felt the value with Delogue PLM the first time we could use it on a business trip. We didn't have to spend a lot of time in follow-up meeting when the employees were back in the office. They would update us right away in Delogue.
Line Lunde Jepsen, Designer at Bundgaard
With Delogue up and running, Bundgaard has now all their information gathered in one place. No more emails or Excel files spread around. Each product has its own history. This prevents mistakes and enables a more efficient working environment in the company.